Welcome to BRAIN CELL TRAINING CAMP. A teenage mind is a wild spirit, but we need you to tame it. The mind is constantly being barraged by thoughts - fueled by desires to have fun, but also be a responsible adult. It's your job to maintain a balance by nurturing the right thoughts, and chasing away the distractions.

Fun thoughts are great at making life more interesting, but can get addicting fast. On the other hand, we're definitely not going to get addicted to our responsibilities anytime soon. But it can get boring real fast. Nurture the right thoughts based on the situation and kamikaze the rest. All for the goal of maintain our ever so sacred mental health. Your brain cell of the month score is based on how uncluttered yet balanced you keep the mind. 

Bear in mind (pun intended), that a mind requires will power to function.  You can still make decision if you've run out of willpower. But a tired mind rarely makes the right call. Be careful, your choice might backfire. And don't overload the mind, even our new generation mushyware can't handle more than 10 simultaneous thoughts.

If you're confused about the fancy interface, hover over the text for a helpful comment. That all for this briefing. Don't you dare mess up, or we'll gift you a one way ticket to the nearest pimple.

===== CREDITS ====== 
Julius Alphonso - Game Design, Programming
Krystal Fernandes - Art (@tastypaintwater on instagram)

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